Are you being rewarded for every purchase you make on your current credit card? Have you checked the rates and fees on your statement recently? If your monthly credit card payment is taking a bite out of your budget—and feels like it’s never going to go down, or go away—it’s time to make a free balance transfer to a Liberty Savings Visa Rewards credit card. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of credit union benefits, plus enjoy big perks like:
Our Visa Rewards Credit Cards come packed with even more benefits like:
As with any Liberty Savings product, our Visa cards offer a commitment to customer service by providing you with the best benefits and options available.
Your account has 24/7 fraud monitoring. Working with you, we continually monitor your account to detect suspicious or unusual activity.
You will not be responsible for any fraudulent transactions.
Your Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union Visa credit cards are welcome at millions of establishments worldwide.
We keep your fees and rates low and service quality high. So, you are shopping and saving at the same time.
You can use your credit card to take cash advance at thousands of ATMs.
To active your account click here and log in to your LibertyLink account. To register, you’ll need the profile email address you used when you established your Liberty Savings membership. This email address is the same account where you receive all of your Liberty Savings correspondence. You’ll only need to complete this registration once on the initial entry into your account. Once you’ve registered you’ll be able to manage all of your finances, including your Visa credit card, right from your LibertyLink portal.
Did you know you can transfer all of your current credit card balances and payments to a Visa right here at Liberty Savings? Stay organized with one low monthly payment and possibly even save money with low credit union rates.
Be sure to stay one step ahead of fraudulent activity. Sign-up here for Visa Alerts and receive free email or mobile notifications when we detect conditions or events that might affect your account.
To get started on a new card or balance transfer, call us at (201) 659-3900 Ext. 4, stop by any branch or download the form below to save time in the branch.
Report all lost or stolen ATM/Debit/Check cards by calling (833) 917-2185.
Report all lost or stolen Visa credit cards by calling (800) 240-0224.
Whenever you are planning to travel, please call one of the following numbers to ensure that transactions on your account are not flagged as fraud. For debit cards, please call (833) 917-2185. For credit cards, please call (800) 240-0224.
*To qualify for current promotion, you must make one transfer of $2500 or more. Multiple transfers are ineligible for offer. Visa Rewards Card eligibility is determined by LSFCU and is based upon the borrower’s credit worthiness. No limit cash access valid in branch only. Restriction on cash access apply at ATMs. Rates and Terms are subject to eligibility and may change without notice.
“Joining Liberty Savings is one of the best things I’ve ever done. Their products and services save me time and money. I tell everyone I know how great it is to be a member.” – Liberty Savings Member